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KBIS 2020

tor, 30/01/2020

It was our great pleasure to participate in one of the largest global trade fairs, dedicated to all aspects of kitchen and bathroom design, KBIS 2020 Las Vegas. Taking a part gave us a great opportunity to present new product innovations and build awareness of Mineral Composite as a superior material, creating quality bathroom products.

This year we received a great deal of positive feedback for our new shower pan designs ST 0024, ST 0038 and ST 0062. With a barrier – free access and easy installation stand out as alternative to custom showers.

Passers-by were especially attracted to the BT 0057 model, our Best of KBIS finalist. The contemporary design of the model is inspired by classic bathtubs. A simplified thin shape combines history of bathroom with a modern style. Thanks to its innovative construction a skirt is integrated part of the product without the need to glue it.

Marmite wishes to warmly thank all its visitors for the engaging conversations and time spent on the booth.


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