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Marmite solution comes to aid to keep a bathroom safe from bacteria

ons, 29/04/2020

The recent outbreak of Covid-19 serves as a reminder of the importance of anti-bacteria prevention, with special emphasis placed on the surroundings. Notably, the Mineral Composite material boasts anti-bacteria properties which help to protect the household from bacteria and germs.

Many materials used in sanitary devices have micro-fissures and porous surfaces on which bacteria nest, despite regular use of cleaning agents.  The surfaces of bathtubs, sinks and shower trays made of Mineral Composite are covered with a special Nano-coat  preventing bacteria and germs from growing. As a result, use of regular cleaning agents ( cream cleansers, soap or even water with vinegar) will suffice to remove bacteria completely. The anti-bacteria properties of Mineral Composite have been confirmed by tests carried out by an independent laboratory, the resulting ISO 22196 certificate and the PN EN 14527 norm.

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