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Fr, 22/10/2021


The report provides detailed information on the company’s sustainable development and CSR activities.  It details progress in meeting environmental, social and governance commitments, with a focus on 2020 performance.

„Improving our carbon footprint, reducing waste and emissions are a top priority and we have a clear roadmap for the next few years, not just at Marmite but across all of our companies and we aim to be best in class in all parts of environment, social and corporate governance.

– said Brian McCluskie, CEO Engineered Stone Group

Important points of the report:

  • At Marmite we constantly care about limiting the number of raw materials utilized and reducing the volume of scrap and waste. For 2020, we can boast the following results:
    • Reduction in water consumption by 25%
    • Reduction of electricity consumption by 3%
    • Reducing the consumption of gelcoats by 29%
    • Reduction in the consumption of polyester resin by 13%
    • Reduction of heating oil consumption by 10%
    • Reduction of hazardous waste by 30%
    • Reduction of wastewater by 23%
    • We use technology to recover dirty acetone and chloride, 80% of dirty acetone and methylene chloride returned to our plants as a pure raw material to be reused.
    • For 90% of our shower tray models we were able to eliminate nomapack foams (protective material made from polyethylene foam, the recycling rate of which is very low) from packag­ing, replacing them with cardboard elements which facilitate recycling. Additionally, in 2020 we stopped using protective film in shower trays, reducing even more the use of plastics in packaging. Currently, similar processes are being implemented for washbasins.
  • The introduced changes allowed for a reduction by 1.46% of the number of shipped com­plete loads, i.e., FTL (Full Track Load), which means less transport and less CO2 emissions
  • We continually seek to minimize the number of accidents by means of a process of identification of risks and threats, and procedures in the event of incidents. Accidents dropped by 45%.
  • Every year we analyze training needs to properly respond to what is most important for our employees. In 2020, we conducted 1,415 training hours with 324 participants.
  • We helped local communities fight the pandemic by purchasing nearly 400 protective masks, 80 medical suits and 400 gloves for the local Fire Department and Police


Marmite is fully committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) , which are integrated into our medium- and long-term plans and guide all of our sustainability efforts.


The report is available for download here

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